Updated St Lucia Covid Protocols

We have some good news to share. St Lucia have removed the need for testing!

The full St Lucia Covid protocols are as follows:

  • There is no requirement for pre-travel test or quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers. Fully vaccinated travellers must provide a valid vaccination record as requested on check in, for boarding and on entry to Saint Lucia.
    • *Fully vaccinated means two weeks has passed since the second dose of a two-dose vaccine, or since a single-dose vaccine. Vaccine proof must be presented on entry to Saint Lucia.
  • If you are travelling with children aged 5-17 years who are not vaccinated, and you would like them to also be exempt from quarantine, they will need to have a STANDARD PCR TEST for travel, as well as a PCR test after arrival at your cost.
  • All travellers must upload their documents prior to travel – fully vaccinated travellers upload the valid vaccine record: https://travelslu.govt.lc/
  • All arriving passengers must adhere to all protocols relevant to airport.
  • All arriving passengers will be screened, this will include temperature checks.

All Information can be found here: https://www.stlucia.org/en_UK/covid-19/